“You Will See” is an Asante folktale retold by A. Sakyiama. It is a deliciously scary story about a disrespectful little girl who sets out to find ‘something to see’.

You will find it in The Yam Child and Other Stories which is currently available as an ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, Smashwords and other ebook stores.

The storyteller is here. Anansesem se so …

You Will See

“When a fly does not get up off a dead body, he is buried with it.” —Akan Proverb

African gray parrot

There was once a little girl who was quite disrespectful. When a grown-up asked her to run an errand, She would always refuse to go.

“I won’t go!” she would say, with narrowed eyes and a scrunched up face.

When her mother asked her to do chores, she would sit down, shake her head and say,

“I won’t do it!”

When she did that, her mother would scold her and say,

“You think you are doing something smart with that bad attitude. You sit there like that, one day, you will see.”

One morning, the child was sitting there as usual, doing nothing, when she said to herself,

“My mother is always saying to me, ‘Sit there and one day, you will see.’ I never see anything worth looking at just sitting here. Today I will go and find ‘I-Will-See’ to look at.” [End of Excerpt]

“You Will See” is an Asante folktale retold by A. Sakyiama. It was free on this website for a month. If you missed it, look around the site, there are other free stories lurking about.

You will also find the story in The Yam Child and Other Stories which is currently available as an ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo and other ebook stores.