A. Sakyiama

Author & Storyteller—Telling stories that engage the ear, challenge the mind and delight the soul.

A New Book on my Shelf

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a … dis-ser-ta-tion!


There is a new book on my bookshelf. It is big and black, with beautiful gold lettering. It joins another one that looks just like it.

Have You Eaten?

Many years ago, when I was quite young, I overheard a conversation between my father and one of his friends. His friend, whom I will call Mr. B, was in a gloomy mood. He was telling his troubles to my father. He said that he had done something to offend his wife and as a result he had not eaten all week. He was afraid that he would not get anything to eat for another week.

If You Build A Town...

“If you build a town and there’s no drummer, it’s not a town. If you build a town and there’s no dancer, then it’s not a town.”

— Kpelle proverb, Liberia

By the Fireside - Why the Termite is so Destructive

Oh, I was so excited to find this video on youtube. It is an old episode (in 3 parts) of a Ghanaian children’s TV show called By the Fireside. It featured a storyteller narrating a Ghanaian folktale and an enthusiastic audience of children, some of whom acted out the story. As a child, this was appointment TV for me.

Enjoy …

The Magic of Ordinary Writing

The Love Letter

Earlier this year, I had a wonderful get-together with a couple of my girlfriends. They were visiting, so it was a vacation for them but a ‘stay-cation’ for me. The highlight of the event came on the last day, when one of them unearthed a love letter from the sent box of an old email account.

It had been written a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …